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Effective Support for Victims of Cybertrauma and Online Harm

In this course, Jocelyn Brewer explains types of online abuse and harms, outlines the impact of cybertrauma, and discusses strategies to support treatment and recovery from it.

About this course

In this course, Jocelyn Brewer, M.A., Cyberpsychology, Sydney University, asserts that, in the modern world, we deal with the five digital dramas of distraction, dependence, displacement, data deluge, and dramas. Defining cyberabuse and the digital disinhibition effect, Brewer outlines the main types of online abuse and the impact of such harms. She explains who is disproportionately targeted and presents a case study. The mechanisms and process for reporting a scam or harmful online behaviour are identified and numerous strategies to support victims of cyberabuse are discussed.
Duration 1 hour
Format video
Type specialised
Price Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter Jocelyn Brewer

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