In this course we explain how domestic violence occurs and address important aspects of how mental health practitioners should work with those who have been abused.
About this course
In Australia, at least one woman a week is killed by a partner or ex-partner. In the United States, nearly 20 people per minute are abused by an intimate partner (equating to 10 million per year). These grim statistics alert us to the sad truth about domestic violence: it is pervasive, and as a mental health practitioner, you are likely to see a client at some stage who has been a victim of intimate partner violence. This course helps you to understand it and recognise the signs that violence may have occurred or be occurring currently. We look through feminist, psychological and attachment lenses to understand domestic violence and explore its effects on the abused. The cycle of abuse is traced and common myths about intimate partner violence are debunked. Safety planning and practical preparations – for either staying or leaving the abusive relationship – are important components of the course. You will also learn about the stages of recovery from trauma and/or abuse.
3 hours
Included with Membership
Writer / Presenter
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